Monday, 27 September 2010

Peruvian Angel

" Once an Angel has touched you, you will never be the same again. "

Tribute to Raphael's Cherub

"...their bright wings bespangling the boughs like stars. "

- William Blake

Cherub - Work in progress

My Guardian Angel

" The Art of an Angel is the Heart of an Angel "

Angel - Work in Progress

The Colour of the Music II

" Each new day,
a joyful song. "

" Music speaks what cannot be expressed ,
soothes the mind and gives it rest,
heals the heart and makes it whole,
flows from heaven to the soul. "

The Colour of the Music I

This illustration was a commission for a friend's dad ,who loves Music.

" El Rock es una piscina, el jazz es todo un océano ."
- Carlos Santana

The Colour of the Music I & II - Work in Progress

Sunday, 12 September 2010

More Frida

My little tribute to Frida Kahlo : Viva la Frida !!! Viva la Vida !!!

Saturday, 11 September 2010

La Catrina

" I recommend her to you to you ,not as a husband but an enthusiastic admirer of her work, acid and tender, hard as steel and delicate and fine as a butterfly's wing, loveable as beautiful smile and profound and cruel as the bitterness of life ."

-Diego Rivera to an American critic, 1938

"... Su obra es ácida, tierna y dura como el acero. Fina como el ala de una mariposa y cruel como la amargura de la vida...
Verán yo no creo que ninguna mujer haya plasmado jamás tan angustiosa poesía en un lienzo. "

-Diego Rivera


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